KEYNOTE: Mental Health SAFETY For Life
More Mental Health! More SAFETY!! More Fun!!!
People who feel better, work better and do so way more safely.
Safe workplaces don’t start with hard hats and fall protection; safe workplaces start in the minds of our people. Our Post Pandemic world experiencing & observing long term heightened levels of on-the-job mental health SAFETY issues.
80% of all workers are secretly going through their own personal levels of emotionally driven anxiety, anger & frustration. This is why Safe centric measurements of trust, self-confidence, and job satisfaction are all at historic lows.
Stuart Ellis-Myers expertly establishes SAFETY ZONES of mental health relief. All of his presentations reveal hidden windows into the unpredictable world of true mental health SAFETY understanding. All created from decades of living and learning how to embrace and overcome my own workplace incurable diagnosis of anxiety, depression, OCD, ADD and non-Swearing Tourette Syndrome.
All MENTAL HEALTH SAFETY content has all been carefully curated
Here are 4 ‘Mental Health For Life’ video examples that Stuart created for many clients on a pre-conference basis. Each celebrates people from their industry sharing immediately insights and action of how to be MENTALLY SAFE on the job and at home
Agriculture on Mental Health
Construction on suicide
Heavy duty industry safety
Raving Fan Safety Audience Experience